Nov 20, 2011

Visual Basic 6 Portable

Visual Basic 6 Portable. Hearing this software is definitely not a blogger friend everything is familiar. Of the many software programming, but it seems like Visual Basic is still embedded in the hearts of programmers. I myself have fallen in love with the programming on this one. I am again learning process.

For the layman (like me) it will usually be wondering how to make the program Accountant? how to make the Antivirus? or how do I make a Virus? Visual Basic is the right answer.
Well ....
For those of you who do not have this software do not be discouraged because you can download the software here and of course its free.
Moreover, this software is portable so it practical to carry around everywhere using the flash. The more enthusiasm for learning nya.Download aja aja now, the sooner the better.

Because it is portable, so it has advantages and disadvantages, the following details about her,

Practical because the portable (no need to be installed)
The size is small sob, unlike its full version
There is only one master file

Prone to missing files
There are still many bugs encountered


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